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Xango Music Distribution
local music from all over the world
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2024 marks 27 years
of Xango Music distributing
local music from all over the world!

Xango Music is an independent distributor since 1997, specialising in local music from all over the world and operating in the Benelux countries.
Xango Music came forth out of the desire to make more music available. Labels and artists are having great difficulty getting their work on the market.
We initiated this company to do just that:

Bring this music out!

To give you an idea of what's new this time...

- three new release by Naragonia, Airboxes and Spilar on Trad Records;
- Kuljit Bhamra on ARC Music and Jyotsna Srikanth on Naxos World;
- Cajun-Zydeco by Muddy Gurdy on Buda Musique;
- from Cyprus Buzz'Ayaz with their debut album on Glitterbeat Records;
- introduction of a new jazz label Ipogeo Records from Italy;

Enjoy the music!

For more information, details and updates, check our New Releases.
Check also Xango Music Store and Xango Music Magazine.